Premium Welding Products for Welding, Brazing and Soldering

Heat Freeze Heat Sink Stops Warpage on a VW Bug Door Panel Repair

Muggy Weld Repairs: Customers’ Before and After Photos

Muggy Weld: Premium Welding Rods for Welding, Brazing and Soldering

Brazing Pot Metal: Tips to Repair a Pot Metal Buick Grille

Silver Soldering a Broken Fishing Pole with SSQ-6 Silver Solder Paste

Weld Auto Body Panels Without Warpage

Aluminum Welding Tips with Heat Freeze Heat Paste

How to Solder Pot Metal or Zinc Die Cast Cracks at 350°F

How to Solder Two Pieces of Broken Pot Metal at 350º F

Heat Freeze Heat Absorption Paste (formerly Cool Blue)

Replace Missing Pot Metal Pieces with Super Alloy 1 Solder

Repair Zinc Die Cast with Super Alloy 1 and Heat Freeze

Pot Metal Restoration: 1929 Nash Touring Car