Premium Online Welding Store


Family owned and operated for over 30 years, Muggy Weld premium welding supply products are MADE IN THE USA items distributed through our online welding supply store

Premium Welding Supplies

Overview of Muggy Weld’s entire line of premium welding supplies. Click links to view detailed product information.

You can count on Muggy Weld to provide premium welding supplies that will save you time and money on repairs. We serve welding-industry beginners and veterans alike by providing top products and educational resources. Whether you’re brazing aluminum, welding cast iron, soldering pot metal, or anything in between, our online welding store carries only the best products for you.

Discover reliable welding solutions with Muggy Weld.

  • SSF 6 silver solder pound

    SSF-6 High Strength 56% Silver Solder Rod

  • Sale! SA5 full 3 32

    Super Alloy 5 Aluminum Welding and Brazing Rod

  • 77 lb 3 32

    77 Cast Iron Welding Rod for Crack Resistant Weld



Featured videos.
Please use the “view all videos” link below to access 100+ free instructional videos.

Premium Welding Products for Welding, Brazing and Soldering

Promotional Video Featuring Muggy Weld Products: Super Alloy 1, Super Alloy 5, SSF-6®, SSQ-6®, Heat Freeze®, 72 burnt cast iron electrode, 75 electrode for nodular, ductile, and malleable cast iron and 77 cast iron electrode

Welding Metals

View videos and product information sorted by parent metal



Pot Metal

pot metal

Cast Iron

Cast Iron Welding


steel 1

Stainless Steel


Copper, Brass, Bronze



Just wanted to leave a comment about your products. In my welding career, I’ve done a fair bit of cast iron repair. Primarily, I’ve done the vast majority of repairs using a brazing technique. After hearing about your product and watching several videos online. I purchased a bunch of your 77 rods. I had a job modifying a steady rest, that included welding the head to a newly fabricated mild steel base. To say that I am extremely impressed and pleased with your product, is a definite understatement. It flows like warm butter. I wish I knew about your rods a long time ago.

– Edward Joskow, Pleasant MT

Muggy Weld LLC made it possible to repair a customers stainless steel vessel that had two previously failed attempts from other places. After close inspection is was determined the fittings had been silver soldered and were mistaken as being weldable. After removing the previous repairs, I used Muggy Weld LLC SSF-6 56% silver solder rod they carry. WOW IS IT AN AMAZING PRODUCT! Thanks to their phenomenal information they provide, paired with their fantastic videos and instruction sheet- I was able to successfully repair the vessel and the customer was thrilled. Although it was small, this was one of my favorite repairs to have ever gotten to do thanks to Muggy Weld LLC!Muggy Weld LLC made it possible to repair a customers stainless steel vessel that had two previously failed attempts from other places. After close inspection is was determined the fittings had been silver soldered and were mistaken as being weldable. After removing the previous repairs, I used Muggy Weld LLC SSF-6 56% silver solder rod they carry. WOW IS IT AN AMAZING PRODUCT! Thanks to their phenomenal information they provide, paired with their fantastic videos and instruction sheet- I was able to successfully repair the vessel and the customer was thrilled. Although it was small, this was one of my favorite repairs to have ever gotten to do thanks to Muggy Weld LLC!

I will be a customer for life! 10/10 stars!

– Nicole Latronica, Plainfield IL

The heat resistant putty worked great for a repair on my antique tank. The paint and other solder joints were not damage during the TIG weld.

– George Geaneotes

Great product, needed only a few drops to fix a tool that I had inherited from my Dad, and so will be able to fix a lot more things with what was provided in this order. Worked as shown in the videos. Couldn’t wet the pot metal with any other flux or solder I had, and I had about 6 different kinds: not including the sliver solder ones.

– Wayne Beckman, Helena MT

I have a nice, American-made, dresser that has plated pot-metal drawer pulls that break easily. We used to get replacements from the furniture manufacturer until they went out of business. I found Muggy Weld when searching for pot-metal repair and ordered some. It arrived today (already! you shipped it very quickly). Within 1/2 hour of receiving it, I filed the broken edges of the drawer pull, held it in a wood-jawed vise, applied flux, heated it, and applied the alloy. I let it cool down naturally. When I took it out of the vice, it holds firm. Success on the first try! I expected to try this several times before getting it right. Thanks!

– Kerry Martin, Wellsburg IA

Thanks Mike those electrodes 77 for cast iron block works super, I am not professional welder, and I did it. I weld 2 holes 3 in wide on both sides of the block. Like the paper reads low and slow. THANKS AGAIN. KRIS

– Krzysztof Tomczyk, T Family Ranch 

Contact Us

Muggy Weld, LLC
PO Box 11927
Olympia WA 98508



Weekdays 9:00AM-5:00PM PST

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